BLIPS: Bluetooth locator for an Indoor Positioning System in Realtime (2024)

Shyama Sastha Krishnamoorthy Srinivasan, IIIT-Delhi, India,

Siddharth Singh, IIIT-Delhi, India,

Pushpendra Singh, Indraprastha Institute of Information Technology, India,

Mohan Kumar, Rochester Institute of Technology, United States of America,

Traditional localization systems often rely on a network of external sensors, making the setups cumbersome, expensive, and requiring significant calibration effort. The advent of Bluetooth 5.1 and later versions brought enhancements that enable precise localization using constant tone extension (CTE) in the signal through Angle of Arrival (AoA) and Angle of Departure (AoD) techniques. This work examines the capacity of a single Bluetooth Low-Energy (BLE) locator with an antenna array based on AoA in terms of performance, efficiency, and latency in real-time indoor positioning. While traditional neural networks train measured entities to match calculated distances, we utilize the azimuth and elevation angle components in the AoA measured and train neural networks to match their theoretical counterparts. We conducted extensive experiments in a real-world lab environment, providing ablation studies in the design. The results demonstrate the system's capability in real-time with many potential interference variables. Under lab conditions, our results show the capacity of a single locator wanes past 4m with the best average accuracy of 0.09m error in positioning within a 5m radius to as much as ∼ 1m of error beyond 6m up to the maximum possible measuring distance in the lab.

CCS Concepts:Human-centered computing → Ubiquitous and mobile devices; • Human-centered computing → Ubiquitous and mobile computing systems and tools; Empirical studies in ubiquitous and mobile computing;Human-centered computing → Accessibility technologies; • General and reference → Empirical studies; • Human-centered computing → Interaction devices; • Human-centered computing → Collaborative and social computing systems and tools;

Keywords: BLE, Indoor Localization, Proximity Sensing, Sensor-efficient

ACM Reference Format:
Shyama Sastha Krishnamoorthy Srinivasan, Siddharth Singh, Pushpendra Singh, and Mohan Kumar. 2024. BLIPS: Bluetooth locator for an Indoor Positioning System in Realtime. In ACM SIGCAS/SIGCHI Conference on Computing and Sustainable Societies (COMPASS '24), July 08--11, 2024, New Delhi, India. ACM, New York, NY, USA 12 Pages.


Indoor localization is a deeply researched topic, yet it remains a major unsolved problem. The ability to obtain accurate location information indoors has been important for a plethora of applications. There are use cases in industrial/production applications (like warehousing [38, 43, 44], assembly [19, 21], production [22, 59], supply chain and logistics [18, 30, 65] etc.). There are also commercial applications (like advertisem*nts [15, 57], social networks [17], etc.) and emergency services (such as critical care [62], emergency guidance [35, 49], and disaster recovery applications [11]).

The technology used for performing indoor localization has evolved over the years. Many sensing technologies like ultrasound [19, 29, 60], magnetic-field fingerprinting [3, 20, 41], LIDAR [23, 37, 53, 58], WiFi RSSI [31, 51], WiFi CSI (Channel State Information) [66], WiFi multi-channel methods [64, 70], filtering [64, 69], machine learning/neural network [4, 51], sensor/information fusion [16, 22, 24, 28, 56], and Industry 4.0 [25] technologies such as Zigbee [40, 48], RFID [5, 27, 42], UWB (Ultra-wideband) [7, 14, 18, 36, 52, 68], Lora [46], iBeacons [10], Bluetooth low energy [8, 26, 45, 55, 71] have been explored. Yet, the primary drawback of most of these technologies involves requiring deployed sensor arrays, which involves increased effort, time, and costs. Bluetooth is one such technology that is constantly evolving. With the advanced capabilities from Bluetooth 5.1 or above [63], the Ble (Bluetooth low-energy) channels are enriched with multi-channel Constant Tone Extension (CTE) information. This information can be used in localization techniques such as AoA and AoD, which can help improve the accuracy of the signal captured without the requirement of multiple additional sensors and hardware. This article examines using a single Ble locator antenna array as the central device for coordinating the real-time indoor position system.

There have been prior works that have explored Ble-AoA. However, the initial works [28, 50, 61] lacked the hardware to perform extensive experiments, and the later works [39, 67] were experimented on use-case-specific environments. Lin et al.[39] propose the Self-Learning Mean Optimization Filter (SLMOF) to minimize the multipath effect in the indoor positioning accuracy in a narrow space suited for ship environments and do not consider external noise. While the theory and experiments list significant improvements to existing State-of-the-Art, the proposed method is not easily transferable to a more generic environment, such as commercial buildings and office spaces, as they are more prone to environmental interference. While commercial products such as Quuppa, BlueIoT, and CoreHW use Ble-AoA, it often requires a bunch of these Locators to be deployed around the area to localize effectively or do not mention the actual coverage but provide a range of the hardware instead, or often have to work with other technologies to be effective. To identify this technology's effectiveness, we experiment with a single locator-based Ble-AoA application for real-time indoor positioning. The primary contributions of this evaluation work are: 1. Testing the capacity of a single Ble-AoA locator for real-time indoor localization in terms of performance, efficiency, and latency; 2. Identifying the best orientation and positioning of the Ble-AoA locator for maximum hardware utilization. In this article, we provide a brief history of prior work using Ble-AoA and the motivation for our evaluation work, the preliminaries covering essential Ble-AoA concepts, and an overview of the proposed method and implementation. Then, we briefly evaluate the performance of our experiments with various ablations, followed by a discussion and implication of this research for future work and conclusion.


Bluetooth technology has evolved significantly since its inception in 1994, and indoor localization has been one of the areas that have benefited from these advancements. Initially, Bluetooth was designed primarily for wireless audio streaming and file transfers between devices. However, with the advent of BLE technology, its potential has been explored in other areas. BLE technology consumes significantly less power than traditional Bluetooth, making it ideal for battery-powered devices. This feature is critical for asset tracking applications, where the devices must operate for an extended period without frequent battery replacements. Also, it has a range of up to 100 meters, making it suitable for indoor environments. Additionally, it has a higher level of accuracy than traditional Bluetooth, making it optimal for indoor positioning. Since then, many works [8, 26, 45, 55, 71], UHF-RFID [27, 42] have utilized the utility of low power and low energy required ble technology alone or along with other sensors for indoor localization approaches.

BLE technology has enabled the development of several indoor localization systems that utilize Bluetooth beacons [9, 10, 12, 13, 47, 52, 71]. These beacons transmit signals to mobile devices that can be used to determine their location. The beacons can be placed at strategic locations within the indoor environment, and mobile devices can use the signal strength of the beacons to triangulate their position. This approach has several advantages over traditional systems, such as Wi-Fi or RFID, which require significant infrastructure cost, setup, and maintenance.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, BLE technology has become a significant player in various applications. In a notable study by Lin et al. [39], the authors explore the utilization of Bluetooth 5.1 Angle of Arrival (AoA) to emulate localization in narrow ship environments. Their work centers on developing a self-learning mean optimization filter to track close contacts within controlled ship settings effectively. The primary objective is to mitigate the risk of virus transmission—a critical concern during the pandemic. The results obtained by Lin et al. demonstrate the efficacy of their approach. However, it is essential to recognize the study's specific focus on performing experiments in an interference-free and narrow environment. This specificity may limit the generalizability of their findings to other indoor contexts or outdoor scenarios. As we delve deeper into the implications of BLE technology, further research is warranted to explore its applicability beyond controlled environments.

In their seminal work, Qiu et al. [54] present a novel BLE localization algorithm characterized by high accuracy. This algorithm explicitly tackles the formidable challenge of carrier frequency offset (CFO). The authors substantially enhance localization precision by integrating a Maximum Likelihood-based weighted algorithm and an Extended Kalman Filter. Despite these promising results, practical implementation encounters certain limitations. Notably, the efficacy of this approach is contingent upon the context of indoor localization, where BLE technology exhibits inherent deficiencies. Uncertain environmental conditions, including dynamic obstacles and human movement, significantly impact real-time performance, constraining its practical utility. As we delve deeper into the intricacies of BLE-based localization, it becomes imperative to address these practical considerations. Future research endeavors should explore strategies to mitigate the impact of environmental variability, ensuring robust and reliable localization solutions.

Furthermore, BLE technology has seen significant adoption in the smart building industry, where it is used for various applications such as asset tracking, occupancy sensing, and indoor navigation. The technology has enabled the development of smart buildings [33] that can optimize energy consumption, improve safety, and enhance the overall user experience. However, previous research has encountered several obstacles in using Bluetooth for indoor localization due to their techniques. Techniques such as Received Signal Strength Indicator (RSSI) and Time of Flight (ToF) are vulnerable to signal interference, multipath fading, and non-line-of-sight (NLOS) conditions, resulting in inaccurate localization.

Recently, Bluetooth Angle of Arrival (AoA) has emerged as a promising technique for indoor localization. AoA uses an array of antennas to determine the angle of incoming signals from Bluetooth beacons, which reduces the impact of signal interference and multipath fading. Despite this, using Bluetooth AoA in a noisy environment remains challenging. A dense and synchronized array of antennas is required, which can be costly and difficult to set up. Furthermore, NLOS conditions can affect the accuracy of AoA, leading to incorrect angle estimates and reduced localization accuracy. For example, the work by Hajiakhondi-Meybodi et al. [28] explored using AoA via a switch antenna array, however, due to the limited number of antennas, the AoA was still prone to heavy multipath effects, noise, and fading. Wang et al. [61] worked on a similar approach but on a polarization-sensitive array; however, the experiments lack depth and are not replicable for any other environment. Another work by Pau et al. [50] briefly analyses the practical use of Bluetooth 5.1 based on naive experiments and shows that the enhancements provided to Bluetooth 5.1 show immense promise for critical applications. The work by Ye et al. [67] shows promise by introducing the PDDA algorithm on the angle data obtained; however, the localization errors seem erratic in noisy environments. Finally, the work by Lin et al. [39] explores filtering techniques to remove outlier readings in the measured angles followed by a genetic algorithm for precise indoor positioning. While the results show promise, the experiments are done in a clean environment that is not relatable to real-world settings, and the repeatability of the experiments needs validation.

This article addresses the difficulties of using Bluetooth AoA in a real-world environment with possible interference by examining single Ble locator-based real-time localization capabilities. By doing so, we hope to contribute to the progression of research on indoor localization using BLE technology.

BLIPS: Bluetooth locator for an Indoor Positioning System in Realtime (1)


The basis of this work depends on understanding the specifications of BLe-AoA as introduced by Bluetooth 5.1. While AoA has been used in prior radio signals-based localization, the features BLe-AoA brings are elucidated below.

With the release of Bluetooth 5.1, direction-finding features were introduced in the specification document. These features enable Bluetooth devices to determine the direction of a Bluetooth signal, which can be helpful in indoor positioning and location-based services. The direction-finding feature uses Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE), a low-power wireless communication technology, making direction-finding efficient and suitable for edge devices. One of the advantages of this feature is that it can work well in noisy environments where other positioning technologies may struggle.

This direction-finding feature utilizes In-Phase and Quadrature (IQ) sampling to measure the phase of radio waves incident upon an antenna array. It supports two methods, namely Angle of Arrival (AoA) and Angle of Departure (AoD) (as shown in Figure 1), which necessitate the antenna array to be in the receiving or transmitting device, respectively. The feature introduces a new field called Constant Tone Extension (CTE), which provides constant frequency and wavelength signal material for IQ sampling. The CTE contains a sequence of 1s, is not subject to the usual whitening process (making the spectral density uniform), and is not included in the Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) calculation. The Bluetooth 5.1 specification also defines a new link layer and Host Controller Interface Packet Data units (HCI PDUs) to support IQ sampling and using IQ samples by higher layers in the stack. After receiving the data vector containing the IQ samples from the antenna, an estimation algorithm is required to calculate the arrival angle using the phase difference (ϕ).

Some of such estimation algorithms [6] include phase-shifting beamforming, Minimum Variance Distortionless Response (MVDR) beamforming, Multiple Signal Identification and Classification (MUSIC), and Maximum Likelihood Estimation (MLE). These algorithms utilize the IQ sample data vector to compute intermediary results before calculating the azimuth and elevation angles. Once the angle of elevation (e) and angle of azimuth (a) are calculated, they are used in the coordinates equations listed below. Once the x and y coordinates are determined, the distance from the locator is calculated using $d = \sqrt {x^2 + y^2}$.

\begin{equation} x = h \times \cos \left(\frac{a \times \pi }{180}\right) \times \tan \left(\frac{e \times \pi }{180}\right) \end{equation}

\begin{equation} y = h \times \sin \left(\frac{a \times \pi }{180}\right) \times \tan \left(\frac{e \times \pi }{180}\right) \end{equation}


The initial experiments were conducted to assess the effectiveness of the 4x4 BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy) antenna locator array. We systematically explored various physical configurations of the antenna array. Subsequently, after identifying the optimal orientation that maximized the system's utilization, further experiments were conducted to enhance the localization accuracy within the finalized setup. This iterative process aimed to refine the system's performance, ensuring its suitability for practical applications.

BLIPS: Bluetooth locator for an Indoor Positioning System in Realtime (2)

4.1 BleIPS Experiment Design

The experiments to improve localization accuracy were performed in a 6mx10m laboratory space with many electronic and wireless hardware for potential interference. The primary element used in the experiments included a Ble-AoA Antenna Array of the Silicon Labs make, called the BG22 Bluetooth Dual Polarized Antenna Array Radio Board (figure 3) a. This antenna array board was operated through a EFR32xG22 Wireless Gecko Starter Kit (figure 3 b used as the mainboard flashed with the AoA Locator application provided by Silicon Labs proprietary RTL library. To remotely run the locator application as required, this setup was connected to a Raspberry Pi 3B+ hardware, accessed through SSH to operate the setup. The entirety of this hardware was placed in a box (shown in figure 4 affixed to the ceiling (3.6m from the ground) in the middle of the experimental setup area to utilize all quadrants around the array board with the 4x4 antenna array faced towards the ground. The height at which the antenna array is deployed is always assumed to be a known entity for fixed experiment setups

BLIPS: Bluetooth locator for an Indoor Positioning System in Realtime (3)

In our investigation, we explored various configurations to enhance the performance of our localization system. Initially, we used an inverted configuration, positioning the locator 1.2 meters above the ground while maintaining the asset tag at specific heights above it (C1). Consequently, we conducted an additional experiment, placing the locator at the top and keeping the transmitter at the bottom (C2). Furthermore, we investigated the impact of varying the locator's height in C2.

BLIPS: Bluetooth locator for an Indoor Positioning System in Realtime (4)
BLIPS: Bluetooth locator for an Indoor Positioning System in Realtime (5)

The four quadrants around the board are divided based on the azimuth angle measured (− 180° to 180°), and the horizontal distance from the locator can be directly mapped to a specific elevation angle measured. The azimuth and elevation angles compute the Bluetooth signal's arrival angle. We utilized this intuition to further test other setups on the neural network training, such as training separately for various quadrants around the Ble-AoA locator and at different distances from the locator as the reference. The neural network choice is based on the quadrant where the person stands, approximated from the azimuth angle, and the approximate distance between the person and the locator, approximated from the elevation angle. We choose a model trained for those points between that distance range in that particular quadrant.

BLIPS: Bluetooth locator for an Indoor Positioning System in Realtime (6)

The points for signal measurements were established at 0.5m equidistant points (as shown encircled in figure 5) in a 6mx10m rectangular area with the locator box at its center having coordinates (0, 0) with the transmitter held at 1.2m from the ground. The useable width limited the experimental area's size due to the presence of the lab's systems and equipment. The height of 1.2m for the tags was chosen to accommodate the points on top of the cubicle divider in the lab making the effective height of locator from tag to be 3.6m − 1.2m = 2.4m. The longest distance from the locator in the center to the corner points (± 5, ± 3) was $\sqrt {(\sqrt {5^2 + 3^2})^2 + (2.4)^2}m \approx 6.30m$, which defines the distance range. The entire experiment was conducted in two phases—the offline phase and then the online phase. The offline phase involved the collection of signal values at each point to create a dataset for training the neural networks. This data is used to obtain pre-trained models. Then, all the pre-trained models are sent to the mobile application, which contains a visual interface to show the tag's position within the room. The online phase involves signal data being passed through the pre-trained model to obtain processed angle data. The x and y coordinates obtained from the processed angle data for real-time measurements are displayed on the application interface as the tag's position in the room relative to the locator. The complete overview of the experimental design can be seen in figure 6.

4.2 Training Approach

While there are many advantages to using BLe-AoA as the method for indoor localization, the AoA obtained from the locator has varying accuracy levels depending on the differences in environmental interference, distance from the locator, and the positioning of the antenna locator array. We introduced a post-processing technique of AoA data measured using neural network(s) to counteract issues from multipath fading and signal interference. To establish a ground truth, we utilized this technique in multiple stages.

Table 1: Sample Input/Output for neural net training.

Input(Measured): Output(Theoretical):
− 32.416489°, 32.191311° − 45.0°, 60.503792°

The azimuth and elevation angles (Sample data in Table 1) obtained from the locator were collected to train a neural network pipeline. We also got the theoretical computed azimuth and elevation angles for each location, which are the actual pair of angles for the locations based on geometrical analysis. The theoretical elevation (e) and azimuth (a) for a coordinate (x,y) in the experiment setup will be:

\begin{equation} e = \frac{180}{\pi } \times \tan ^{-1}\left(\frac{{x^2 + y^2}}{h}\right) \end{equation}

\begin{equation} a = \frac{180}{\pi } \times \tan ^{-1}\left(\frac{{y}}{x}\right) \end{equation}

Table 2: Various Neural Network Architectures tested.

Model Architecture
Custom (A1) 2 x 64 x 2
Custom (A2) 2 x 16 x 32 x 16 x 2
Custom (A3) 2 x 8 x 16 x 16 x 16 x 8 x 2
Custom (A4) 2 x 8 x 16 x 32 x 64 x 32 x 16 x 8 x 2
Custom (A5) 2 x 16 x 24 x 24 x 40 x 40 x 40 x 48 x 48 x 96 x 96 x 96 x 576 x 1024 x 2

The neural network tuned the observed azimuth and elevation data to match theoretically expected azimuth and elevation values (as computed above) that were to be obtained at a given (x, y) coordinate instead of the theoretical distances calculated using the measured data. The measured data for each location point is first collected in the laboratory by a person, robot, or drone holding the transmitter. The application interface can receive signal data for a specified duration at one point. The transmitter moves from one point to another in the lab, capturing signal data to be stored and further used for modeling. The measured data is split into the 80:20 split, where we ensure the train:test ratio for every estimated point. The network is trained for over 10k, 50k, and 100k epochs.

While the primary experiments were on simple neural network models (see table 2) with 1/3/5/7 hidden layer(s), a MobileNetv3-small equivalent (13 hidden layers) was also tested. The reason for choosing a slightly more complex (13-layer) architecture was to see if the neural network training generalized the angles trained better with deeper networks. The 13-layer architecture of the models continued improving, providing a significant boost at 100k epochs, taking the localization accuracy to the centimeter level.

There was a trade-off between training deeper neural networks and the latency in the model inference. The larger or deeper a neural network is, the more time it takes to train it, and it observes a higher latency in the online phase. The training time of the 13-layer model was a maximum of 1 hour per model, and the inference was updated every second by updating the readings through a sliding window of 12 samples where we use a mean of 12 samples at any point moving across a window of size 12. Beyond 13 layers, the neural network training increased in duration from 4 to 12 hours per model, and the real-time inference was considerably impacted by a few seconds, even in static positions. We observe a saturation for training log loss and testing error at 13 layers compared to other neural networks, making it our optimal choice for a model. Any further increase in training parameters would increase training time and cause latency lag during inference, where the performance does not improve as much. The neural network models used the relu activation function [2] and Adam optimizer [34]. However, we want to indicate that the neural network models are space-efficient. The smallest neural network takes 9 KB, and the largest takes about 2.8 MB on average. In the appendix, the training log LOSS plots and the testing CDF vs. error plots across the five different architectures are available in figures 7 - 12.

4.3 Communication and Processing

The locator operates in Network Co-Processor mode (NCP), which enables the locator devices to participate only in the scope of transmission within a Bluetooth network. In this mode, the locator works with a device ("Cd") that handles processing. Specifically, the Cd establishes a connection with the locator via USB, where the Cd is a Raspberry Pi or a dedicated machine or server remotely connected over SSH. The Cd's primary function is to process I/Q (in-phase and quadrature) sample data, ultimately computing precise elevation and azimuth angles.

The Cd transmits the acquired signals upon successful computation using the MQTT (Message Queuing Telemetry Transport) protocol across the connected network. Meanwhile, a mobile device subscribes to the designated MQTT channel, actively receiving the transmitted data. During the offline phase, the mobile device accumulates this signal data, which serves as the training dataset for neural networks. Subsequently, the trained neural network is deployed on the mobile device in the online phase. Incoming data received via MQTT is fed through the neural network, resulting in finely tuned angle values. These angle values provide the user's relative position to the locator, facilitating accurate localization.

Our research employs distinct neural network architectures for various experimental scenarios. Firstly, we introduce the Single Model implementation, denoted as BleIPS-SM. This approach uses a unified model to precisely locate any point within the room by leveraging all available data points. Subsequently, we delve into quadrant-wise models designated as BleIPS-QM. These models partition the data based on the quadrant in which it resides, determined by azimuth values. Notably, our initial deviation analysis has enabled us to infer the quadrant in which an individual is positioned. Consequently, we develop four distinct models, each exclusively trained on data from a specific quadrant. The third method we explore involves quadrant and distance-wise models called BleIPS-QDM. Here, we perform fine-tuning at the quadrant level using the BleIPS-QM, resulting in quadrant-specific fine-tuned datasets. Furthermore, we subdivide the data for each quadrant based on the distance from the locator, utilizing the fine-tuned elevation values. As a result, separate models are constructed for each distance range within every quadrant.


5.1 Experiments

In the offline phase, the IQ sample data was collected at the established points around the locator in the 6mx10m area. These IQ samples are then sent to the Real-time Locating (RTL) Library [32] for utilizing the proprietary algorithms developed by Silicon Labs, whose hardware was used in the experiments of this work, for converting IQ samples to azimuth and elevation angles. The RTL library employs various strategies, including spatial and temporal filtering, averaging across multiple frequencies, and more, to lessen the impact of reflections before providing the elevation and azimuth angles. Silicon Labs has claimed that their hardware offers a sub-meter accuracy [1] out-of-box without any neural network training after obtaining angles using the RTL library. However, the localization obtained without any neural network training in our lab settings provided an average error of 2.27m, with a minimum error of 0.03m and a maximum error of 33.65m.

The silicon labs software also offered various modes for obtaining the angle data from the AoA application in different granularity. The fast response mode provided unstable angles at a higher frequency suitable for quick readings. The high accuracy mode is explicitly applied for stable angular readings averaged over a higher frequency and supplied in a lower frequency. The basic mode offered a compromise between the two. In one shot mode, angles are derived purely from the newest measurements without presumptions about the transmitter's direction. In contrast, real time mode uses the recent angle estimate to search for the transmitter near its last known direction. For our experiments, we tested data from all five modes to conclude that the high accuracy mode provided the most stable data for the neural network, making the training more efficient.

To use the appropriate neural network model trained in the online mode, we performed three sets of experiments as a form of ablation regarding the granularity of the information available to the neural network. In the first set of experiments, we trained a single neural network, assuming that the neural network does not know the x and y coordinates of various signals based on the measured azimuth and elevation angles. This premise meant that the neural network treats all the data similarly to provide a single fit model for a signal from any position in the 6mx10m experiment area. However, through theoretical values calculated by the formula for finding the coordinates using the azimuth and elevation angles, it is possible to train data separately based on the angles observed. In the second set of experiments, we used the azimuth angles measured by the AoA locator as the reference to pass it through a neural network trained for the respective quadrant around the AoA Locator. Azimuth angles would be between 0° and 90° in the first quadrant, 90° and 180° in the second quadrant, − 180° and − 90° in the third quadrant, and − 90° and 0° in the fourth quadrant.

Similarly, appropriate ranges were computed using theoretical values of elevation angles for various distances from the locator for 1m, 2m, and 3m. In the third setup, the neural networks were trained based on the quadrant and distances from the locator in each quadrant, making up to 20 different neural network models based on the appropriate azimuth and elevation angles. However, with increased environmental noise, we observed an increased error rate of elevation angle at farther distances. Hence, we created a sliding window to obtain an average azimuth and elevation reading from the locator application over 1 sec, which was initially passed through a neural network based on the quadrant. Then, it was passed through another neural network based on the respective processed angles’ quadrant and distance.

5.2 Results

In the context of our experimental study, in the first configuration (referred to as configuration C1), we encountered unexpected measurement inconsistencies even when the system remained in static conditions. Upon meticulous investigation, we identified a critical factor: the computation of azimuth and elevation angles, relying on inter-quadrature and phase data (I/Q), operated under an inadvertent opposite orientation. Consequently, our observed azimuth deviations ranged from 35 to 81 degrees for the measuring range, while elevation deviations spanned from 52 to 120 degrees—notably diverging from the theoretically expected angle values. In contrast, a deliberate adjustment significantly improved measurement stability in the second configuration (referred to as configuration C2). Specifically, the azimuth deviations were constrained to a narrower range of 4 to 17 degrees, while elevation deviations remained within 15 to 25 degrees. Notably, greater height separation between the transmitter and locator enhanced measurement stability.

Table 3: Localization accuracy for various models on all four architectures in the BleIPS-SM setup for 100k epochs. Legend: An - Architecture n, Ac - Accuracy

A1 Ac A2 Ac A3 Ac A4 Ac A5 Ac
0.55m 0.39m 0.41m 0.31m 0.19m

Table 4: Localization accuracy for various models on all four architectures in the BleIPS-QM setups for 100k epochs. Legend: Q - Quadrant, An - Architecture n, Ac - Accuracy

Q A1 Ac A2 Ac A3 Ac A4 Ac A5 Ac
1 0.25m 0.23m 0.24m 0.13m 0.07m
2 0.30m 0.30m 0.24m 0.28m 0.09m
3 0.30m 0.29m 0.28m 0.25m 0.14m
4 0.34m 0.31m 0.35m 0.24m 0.12m
Avg 0.30m 0.28m 0.28m 0.23m 0.11m

Table 5: Localization accuracy for various models on all four architectures in the BleIPS-QDM setups for 100k epochs. Legend: Q+D - Quadrant+Distance, An - Architecture n, Ac - Accuracy

Q+D A1 Ac A2 Ac A3 Ac A4 Ac A5 Ac
1+1m 0.07m 0.04m 0.06m 0.01m 0.00m
2+1m 0.06m 0.06m 0.05m 0.04m 0.01m
3+1m 0.03m 0.02m 0.23m 0.02m 0.00m
4+1m 0.05m 0.04m 0.05m 0.04m 0.02m
1+2m 0.18m 0.12m 0.17m 0.12m 0.03m
2+2m 0.22m 0.22m 0.33m 0.21m 0.06m
3+2m 0.20m 0.24m 0.23m 0.33m 0.01m
4+2m 0.21m 0.14m 0.21m 0.11m 0.02m
1+3m 0.15m 0.17m 0.24m 0.10m 0.04m
2+3m 0.26m 0.28m 0.28m 0.20m 0.10m
3+3m 0.25m 0.27m 0.22m 0.34m 0.08m
4+3m 0.27m 0.25m 0.26m 0.25m 0.07m
1+4m 0.49m 0.48m 0.43m 0.35m 0.09m
2+4m 0.38m 0.36m 0.37m 0.34m 0.19m
3+4m 0.49m 0.47m 0.51m 0.39m 0.27m
4+4m 0.34m 0.33m 0.33m 0.31m 0.11m
1+5m 0.58m 0.56m 0.48m 0.38m 0.15m
2+5m 0.52m 0.49m 0.41m 0.37m 0.25m
3+5m 0.63m 0.60m 0.50m 0.42m 0.31m
4+5m 0.61m 0.59m 0.37m 0.34m 0.18m
Avg 0.29m 0.28m 0.28m 0.24m 0.09m

To capitalize on this insight, we strategically positioned the locator on the ceiling, achieving the utmost consistency and precision in angle readings. In this optimized setup, the azimuth deviations were further reduced to 2 to 14 degrees, while elevation deviations were within 12 to 19 degrees. These refinements ensure robust and reliable localization performance. For instance, the average improvement in the azimuth and elevation angle errors after a single neural network training (Custom (A1)) went from 11.95° and 18.87° to 10.95° and 3.76° errors, respectively. The considerable improvement in elevation angle accuracy helped reduce the average distance error of over 2m to just under 0.3m in real-time settings. As the training progressed with the second and third sets of experiments, the best model's average distance error was further reduced by .11m and 0.31m for the quadrant-based and quadrant+distance-based setup.

The BleIPS-SM refers to the Single Model implementation of the improved signal processing setup. The BleIPS-QM refers to the Quadrant wise Model implementation of the improved signal processing setup. The BleIPS-QDM refers to the Quadrant+Distance wise Model implementation of the enhanced signal processing setup. As a comparison, accuracies on the distance measured in localization accuracy for other technologies are also listed in the table.

Table 4 lists the mean absolute errors on the quadrant-wise models of the various BleIPS-QM setups. Table 5 lists the mean absolute errors on the various Quadrant+Distance-wise models of BleIPS-QDM setups. As can be seen, the overall average of each setup improves with the number of neural network models utilized within the improved signal processing setup among all four neural network architectures.

5.3 Limitations

A couple of limitations of this work include the dependency of the experimental framework for specialized hardware and the limited number of testing environments. The results we were able to obtain consistently with multiple experiments relied on using the Silicon Labs hardware for both transmission and reception. While we tried using other hardware, the technical stack available for more fine-tuned experiments was lacking. Secondly, the setup of the hardware on a fixed point took a considerable amount of time and effort, making it difficult to test on other environments apart from the lab. This meant the implementation complexity of the work solely hinged on the complexity of setup.


This study introduces BLIPS, an approach to evaluate indoor localization. Our focus lies in evaluating the accuracy, efficiency, and latency in real-time using a single Ble locator with Ble-AoA as the primary technology. The motivation behind our work stems from prior work failing to examine the capabilities of a single locator-based Ble-AoA localization in real-world settings with many potential interference. Our contributions extend to extensive experimentation, particularly in design configuration and angle computation. Within an area of 6m×10m, we successfully achieve sub-foot indoor localization, with our best models delivering centimeter-level precision. Furthermore, we examined the maximum coverage per locator. The crux of our approach lies in a neural network-based methodology, which exhibits remarkable performance even in real-time lab environments with signal interference and extreme occlusion. Notably, our observations suggest that the neural network training accounts for slight deviations in angle based on the transmitter's position, however plays a major role in improving accuracy. Our findings suggest that while many consumer-level products claim a good range on their Ble-AoA locator-based solutions, there is no demonstration of it in potentially noisy environments like offices or clarity on how they achieve such accuracy without any neural network training or genetic algorithm. While many restrict the knowledge about their approach on the grounds of propriety intellectual property, our experiments show a peek into the reality of the technology's capabilities.


This research was funded by the iHub Anubhuti IIITD Foundation for procuring the hardware to conduct the experiments. The authors would like to thank the advisors Prof. Pushpendra Singh & Prof. Mohan Kumar for the continuous feedback and direction in furthering the rigor of the experiments. The authors would also like to thank the Facility Management Services of the Institute for helping with the equipment set up in the lab, student Anshul Goswami for designing the case for the locator, and the Design & Innovation Lab at the Institute for supporting the 3D printing facilities to make the box for the locator.


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BLIPS: Bluetooth locator for an Indoor Positioning System in Realtime (11)
BLIPS: Bluetooth locator for an Indoor Positioning System in Realtime (12)


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BLIPS: Bluetooth locator for an Indoor Positioning System in Realtime (2024)


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