The Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) has been a rich tapestry of interconnected storylines and character dynamics since its inception. It continues this tradition today as Disney consistently releases their slate of upcoming Marvel movies and shows on streaming with a Disney+ subscription. One of the most beloved friendships in the MCU is that between Tony Stark aka Iron Man, and Bruce Banner, the Hulk. This dynamic duo, known for their shared love of science and technology, was coined by many fans as "Science Bros" and delivered some of the most memorable scenes in the Avengers series. Surprisingly, according to the Wakanda Forever producer Nate Moore, this unique relationship was pivotal in shaping a key scene in the box-office-crushing Black Panther 2.
In a recent interview with Geeks of Color, Wakanda Forever producer Nate Moore discussed the creative process behind the film and the significant challenges the team faced. One of the most profound difficulties was reworking the movie following the tragic death of Chadwick Boseman, who portrayed T'Challa, the Black Panther. Moore emphasized that the film had to honor Boseman's legacy while finding new directions for its storyline. One way they achieved this was by focusing on two of the film's strong female leads, Shuri and Riri Williams.
Moore explained the inspiration behind the scene featuring Shuri and Riri, revealing that it was influenced by the dynamic between Tony Stark and Bruce Banner. He stated:
Who would have thought? The "Science Bros" legacy lives on through two of the MCU's freshest faces, Shuri and Riri. In Wakanda Forever, these two young geniuses team up in a way that mirrors the dynamic between Stark and Banner. Shuri and Riri’s shared love for science and tech creates a compelling partnership that adds depth to the MCU and highlights how the brand keeps evolving by introducing new characters who embody the spirit of innovation and collaboration.
Shuri actress Letitia Wright recently hinted that a third Black Panther movie could be on the horizon, and if she's right, we might see a follow-up sooner rather than later. I’m definitely here for more “Science Sister” moments between Shuri and Riri. While we don’t have an official release date for Black Panther 3 yet, Riri’s got a packed 2025 schedule with her upcoming standalone mini-series, Ironheart, set to premiere on September 23 next year. Could we see a surprise cameo from Shuri? Fingers crossed! But based on the wild, deep-cut footage at D23, it looks like we’re in for plenty of science, even if the sisters aren’t teaming up this time.
As the MCU keeps growing, the influence of iconic relationships like the "Science Bros" shows just how skilled Marvel is at crafting compelling character dynamics. It’ll be interesting to see if we catch more of these vibes when the Ironheart cast hits our screens in 2025. Until then, watch the 2024 TV schedule for some fantastic series that have already premiered or are about to drop.
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Ryan LaBee
Ryan graduated from Missouri State University with a BA in English/Creative Writing. An expert in all things horror, Ryan enjoys covering a wide variety of topics. He's also a lifelong comic book fan and an avid watcher of Game of Thrones and House of the Dragon.
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