RAID: Shadow Legends – Best Teams 2024: Team Building Guide - Gamer Empire (2024)

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With more than 600 unique champions in the game, players can create an unbelievable number of team combinations in RAID: Shadow Legends.

The number of champions paired with all the various aspects of combat and upgrading makes for an incredible number of strategic opportunities.

RAID: Shadow Legends – Best Teams 2024: Team Building Guide - Gamer Empire (1)

Furthermore, RAID: Shadow Legends is continuously adding new champions and content to keep the game fresh and possibilities growing.

Many factors go into what makes a perfect team in RAID: Shadow Legends. Some of the most important aspects to consider when building your team is:

  • Roles of champions
  • Affinities on the team
  • Balance of damaging skills and buffs
  • Individual champion potential
  • Synergy between allies

How you prioritize these aspects dictates how you should build a team. What content you are facing also has a large say in how you should build your team.

Recommended Read: How to Get More Multi-Battle Attempts in RAID: Shadow Legends

In this guide, we give you tips on team building in RAID: Shadow Legends, as well as examples of real teams made by top players for specific parts of the game.

Table of contents

  • Best teams in RAID: Shadow Legends
  • Role balance
  • Affinity system
  • Skill types
  • Synergy between champions
  • Best champions for your team

Best teams in RAID: Shadow Legends

Building a powerful team from scratch can be an overwhelming task with the number of champions in the games and the various factors to consider.

To help you get started with team building in RAID: Shadow Legends, we’ve gathered examples of real teams created by top players for specific parts of the game.

You can either draw inspiration from these teams or simply copy one that you like, given that you have the required champions.

Best teams overall

These teams are used by top players from one of the largest clans in RAID: Shadow Legends.

  • Team 1: duch*ess Lilitu, Rotos the Lost Groom, Ultimate Deathknight, Siphi the Lost Bride
  • Team 2: Cupidus, Venus, Nekhret the Great, Mortu-Macaab

Best teams for Spider

These teams are some of the best to use against the Spider boss in the Spider’s Den dungeon.

  • Team 1: Paragon, Coldheart, Coldheart, Mordecai, Renegade
  • Team 2: Coldheart, Coldheart, Coldheart, Teumesia, Prince Kymar

Best teams for Ice Golem

These teams are some of the best to use against the Ice Golem boss in the Ice Golem’s Peak dungeon.

  • Team 1: Bad-el-Kazar, Renegade, Prince Kymar, Lydia the Deathsiren, Seer
  • Team 2: Seer, Archmage Hellmut, Bad-el-Kazar, Renegade, Prince Kymar

Best teams for Fire Knight

These teams are some of the best to use against the Fire Knight boss in the Fire Knight’s Castle dungeon.

  • Team 1: Royal Guard, Lydia the Deathsiren, Seer, Alure, Renegade
  • Team 2: Tomb Lord, Elenaril, Prince Kymar, Dark Kael, Alure

Best teams for Dragon

These teams are some of the best to use against the Dragon boss in the Dragon’s Lair dungeon.

  • Team 1: Seer, Renegade, Archmage Hellmut, Ghostborn, Ninja
  • Team 2: Seer, Dracomorph, Prince Kymar, Dark Kael, Archmage Hellmut

Best teams for Sand Devil

These teams are some of the best to use against the Sand Devil boss in the Sand Devil’s Necropolis dungeon.

  • Team 1: duch*ess Lilitu, Riho Bonespear, Septimus, Septimus, Quargan the Crowned
  • Team 2: duch*ess Lilitu, Armiger, Husk, Riho Bonespear, Quargan the Crowned

Best teams for Demon Lord Clan Boss

This team is the best to use against the Demon Lord Clan Boss. It has the record of dealing the most damage against the Ultra-Nightmare version of the boss – over 1.5B damage.

Team 1: Krisk the Ageless, Hellborn Sprite, Underpriest Brogni, Lanakis the Chosen, Corpulent Cadaver

Best teams for Arena

These are some of the top-performing teams in the Arena, making them some of the best to use.

  • Team 1: Mortu-Macaab, Hegemon, Nekhret the Great, Hephraak
  • Team 2: Warlord, Arbiter, Ramantu Drakesblood, Leorius the Proud
  • Team 3: Prince Kymar, Leorius the Proud, Nekhret the Great, Hegemon

Best teams for Campaign

The campaign can be beaten with a bunch of different team setups. Here are some of the best teams for the Campaign that will enable you to easily beat it.

  • Team 1: Tayrel, Bad-El-Kazar, Arbiter, and Juliana
  • Team 2: Vlad the Nightborn, duch*ess Lilitu, Nekhret the Great, Konstantin the Dayborn

Best teams for Doom Tower

There are many bosses in rotation in the Doom Tower. Here are some of the best teams you can use against the different Doom Tower bosses and Floor 114+119.

  • Magma Dragon: Zavia, Arbiter, Scyl of the Drakes, Var-Gall, Coldheart
  • Scarab King: Urost, Var-Gall, Iron Brago, Lord Champfort, Geomancer
  • Nether Spider: Astralon, Scyl of the Drake, Visix the Unbowed, Mausoleum Mage, Mordecai
  • Frost Spider: Leorius, Elenaril, Medame Serris, Magnarr, Ithos
  • Celestial Griffin: Drexthar Bloodtwin, Hurndig, Ninja, Kreela, Scyl of the Drakes
  • Eternal Dragon: Drexthar Bloodtwin, Jareg, Doompriest, Vrask, Apothecary
  • Dreadhorn: Magnarr, Vrask, Doompriest, Godseeker Aniri, Vogoth
  • Dark Fae: Deacon Armstrong, Alure, Ninja, Hurndig, Kreela
  • Floor 114 + 119: Whisper, Scyl of the Drakes, Visix the Unbowed, Lydia the Deathsiren, Psylar

Best teams for Hydra

This is the best team to use against the Hydra boss, one of the Clan Bosses.

  • Team 1: Tuhanarak, Krisk the Ageless, Sicia Flametongue, Cardiel, Acrizia, Acrizia

Role balance

Creating a great team is no easy task. Therefore, we’ll look at some of the most crucial aspects you should consider when choosing which champions to put on your team.

We’ll also look at why these aspects are important and how to take advantage of them to increase your chances in battle.

All champions in RAID: Shadow Legends are one of the following four roles.

  • Attacker
  • HP
  • Defense
  • Support

The balance of roles on your team is important. Having too many attackers can be damaging to your team, even though it will dish out a lot of damage.

Also, even though we believe having attackers is incredibly important, we recommend bringing at least one support and one HP or defense champion.

Bringing support and defense champions will give the team more utility and make it more adaptable to situations, as you can change up your tactic in battle.

With a pure attacker team, you have no choice but to try and burst down the enemy before they take you out, which may not always work.

Affinity system

Keeping affinities in mind when creating your team is important.

There are four affinities, Magic, Spirit, Force, and Void.

Champions with the Magic affinity deals extra damage to champions with the Spirit affinity, but take extra damage from champions with the Force affinity.

Spirit deals extra damage to Force, but takes extra damage from Magic.

Force deals extra damage to Magic, but takes extra damage from Spirit.

Void is a special affinity that doesn’t deal extra damage to any affinity, but doesn’t take extra damage from any affinity.

In terms of team building, you want to avoid stacking your team exclusively with or close to exclusively with a single affinity that isn’t Void.

If you only bring champions of the Spirit affinity on your team, you will be in trouble if you run into a Magic team.

Having a balance of affinities or having primarily Void affinity champions ensures stability.

Because of this, Void is generally considered the best affinity, as you can bring as many Void champions as you please, without hurting your affinity composition.

Skill types

If you are building a team for a variety of game modes, you want to make sure your team has both buffs, AoE damage, debuffs, and high-damage single-target skills.

If you, however, are building a team for a specific game mode, this might not be necessary.

From our experience, having a mix of these skills will allow you to take on most setups of enemies.

Synergy between champions

Synergy is another aspect that is great to keep in mind when creating your team.

Synergy is a term for how good champions on your team work together.

An example of excellent synergy is a champion that has a single target damage buff and a champion that has a very high damage single target skill.

In this case, you can buff that champion for a turn and dish out an insane amount of damage on a boss.

A setup like this can deal more damage than just having two champions use a damage skill.

Another example of synergy could be an extremely tanky HP champion and a support champion with a lot of healing skills.

In such a case, you can have a champion the enemy will have an incredibly difficult time taking out before you heal it back up.

Best champions for your team

Even though most legendary champions and some rare and epic ones excel at some niche, some champions simply are better picks in almost any situation.

Some of the very best champions in RAID: Shadow Legends, which can be used in almost any team composition, include:

  • Krisk the Ageless – Defense, Void affinity
  • Kyoku – Defense, Spirit affinity
  • Lydia the Deathsiren – Support, Void affinity
  • Mithrala Lifebane – Support, Void affinity
  • Underpriest Brogni – Support, Magic affinity
  • Warlord – Support, Void affinity
  • Leorius the Proud – Attack, Void affinity
  • Arbiter – Support, Void affinity
  • Dracomorph – Attack, Magic affinity
  • Nethril – Attack, Spirit affinity

All of these champions are exceptionally powerful and can be used late-game. If you pull any of these champions, you can safely invest resources into them.

You can find more powerful champions to use on your team in our RAID: Shadow Legends tier list.

You are now ready to build your very own super team in RAID: Shadow Legends with all the tips and inspiration given in this post.

If you have any other tips or input you believe should be in this guide, let us know in the comments below.

RAID: Shadow Legends – Best Teams 2024: Team Building Guide - Gamer Empire (2024)


What is the most powerful character in RAID: Shadow Legends? ›

Warlord is the only champion in Raid Shadow Legends that can entirely lock down enemies' skills for maximum cooldown. This is a godly ability and earns Warlord a place on any end-game team. In PvP arena battles he will completely negate nukers and other attack champions.

How to build a RAID: Shadow Legends team? ›

To create a Saved Team, just hit the Team Setup button from within the Team Selection interface prior to any battle. Once there, select a new team, then select the Champions you want to use in that team from your Collection.

What is an unkillable team in RAID: Shadow Legends? ›

Raid Shadow Legends – Unkillable buff is one of the strongest buffs in Raid Shadow Legends mainly used to build teams that cannot be killed against Clan Boss or to help you progress through dungeon content. An Unkillable buff will prevent any champion from going below 1hp all the time it is active.

Who is Ninja RAID: Shadow Legends? ›

Ninja is a powerful warrior, and was a game-changing RAID Champion when he was first released. To this day, Ninja appears in almost all top RAID: Shadow Legends teams, meting out helpful debuffs that can control a team and increase his own already impressive damage.

Who is the best rare in RAID: Shadow Legends? ›

Best Rares in Raid Shadow Legends
  • Frozen Banshee. Frozen Banshee came as a freebie in the original battle pass and she was a great pickup for most accounts as she was one of the first with the [Poison Sensitivity] debuff. ...
  • Pain Keeper. ...
  • Warmaiden. ...
  • Reliquary Tender. ...
  • Bellower. ...
  • Renegade. ...
  • Apothecary. ...
  • Kael.
Jun 14, 2023

How to get kael RAID: Shadow Legends? ›

HOW TO GET KAEL IN RAID: SHADOW LEGENDS? Kael can be acquired from Mystery, Ancient, and Primal Shards. Kael is also one of the starter Champions you can pick during RAID: Shadow Legends' tutorial.

How do you get powerful in raid shadow legends? ›

Equipping different Artifacts from the same Set will activate powerful bonuses, which will really help boost your stats in the early days of playing RAID: Shadow Legends.

What is the best starter champion in raid shadow legends? ›

Due to the differences in their skill sets, more so than their stats, the best RAID: Shadow Legends starter champions are either Kael, or Elhain.

Who is the best raid Shadow legend? ›

Epic Champion Ranking (278)
  • Runekeeper Dazdurk (DW-ESV)
  • Seeker (UH-EDM)
  • Seer (OR-ESV)
  • Sinesha (KR-ESF)
  • Stag Knight (BL-ESS)
  • Tayrel (HE-EDM)
  • Ursala the Mourner (BL-ESV)
  • Uugo (OT-ESM)
Aug 5, 2024

What is the highest power level in RAID: Shadow Legends? ›

The max account level in Raid: Shadow Legends is 100, but the faster you get to 60, the better. At level 60, you hit the maximum Energy capacity, which helps you do more missions and keep leveling.

How do you beat unkillable raid? ›

The first method is to apply Block Buff on the champion before he casts Unkillable buff on himself. The second method is to apply crowd control debuff (Freeze, Stun, Provoke, Sleep, Fear, True Fear) to prevent them from applying Unkillable buff. The third method is to steal or remove buff from the Unkillable champion.

Who is behind RAID: Shadow Legends? ›

RAID: Shadow Legends is a mobile role-playing game developed and published by Israeli game developer Plarium Games, now a subsidiary of the company Aristocrat Leisure. A port to PC was released on January 21, 2020.

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We're giving you another chance to get the Legendary Shadowkin Champion, Ninja, between July 18 and August 15. Here's how it works - new players can use the promo code NINJARETURNS to get this fierce Shadowkin fighter and some useful in-game items.

Did raid shadow legends make money? ›

While specific figures are often kept under wraps like a well-guarded secret, industry estimates suggest that Raid Shadow Legends has generated a significant amount of revenue. The game's success is driven by its in-app purchases, where players buy Gems, Silver, and Shards to enhance their gaming experience.

Who is the first hero in raid shadow legends? ›

The Top Starter Champion Revealed

After lots of battles, discussions, and gameplay, the consensus is clear: Kael, the Dark Elf sorcerer, is your best bet as a starter in Raid Shadow Legends. Why? Let's dive in. Kael shines because of his incredible versatility and powerful Area of Effect (AoE) attacks.

What is the highest power level in raid shadow legends? ›

The max account level in Raid: Shadow Legends is 100, but the faster you get to 60, the better. At level 60, you hit the maximum Energy capacity, which helps you do more missions and keep leveling.

Is Shadow the most powerful character? ›

In The Eminence in Shadow, Cid Kagenou's alter ego, Shadow, stands out as the series' most powerful character. However, while this may be true, many of his allies and enemies can lay claim to being worthy competitors.

Who is the best to pick for raid shadow legends? ›

After lots of battles, discussions, and gameplay, the consensus is clear: Kael, the Dark Elf sorcerer, is your best bet as a starter in Raid Shadow Legends.


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